Why use Serving Facial every day?

Your skin and body absorbs what you put on it. That is why you should do your best to make sure your body absorbs the most natural and safe ingredients. Chemicals aren’t regulated in skin care products and I am NOT OK with that. I know that natural products are safe to use and intentionally grown to heal, nourish and balance the body's PH. Natural products work better! Nature makes things whole and complex, science dissects and separates. I, my friends and my customers have experienced it over and over again with Serving Facial products.

She has eczema so bad and i'm so grateful for this because my baby was in pain, literally itching so bad she'd take skin off. Your product is a life saver. My family uses it for literally EVERYTHING. Thank you so much." (see result category)

Mother of infant with eczema

About Amber



I will let my work speak for itself. (Gratefully and humbly said.)